Utrecht - St. Martin's Cathedral or Dom Church (Domkerk) - MUVA 969.10

Utrecht - St. Martin's Cathedral or Dom Church (Domkerk) - MUVA 969.10 Utrecht - St. Martin's Cathedral or Dom Church (Domkerk) - MUVA 969.10
Added by stomff andrei aurel
General Description St. Martin's Cathedral, Utrecht, or Dom Church (Dutch: Domkerk) was the cathedral of the bishopric of Utrecht during the Middle Ages. Once the Netherlands’ largest church, dedicated to Saint Martin of Tours, it is one of the country's two pre-Reformation cathedrals, along with the cathedral in Middleburg, Province of Zeeland. It has been a Protestant church since 1580. The building is the one church in the Netherlands that closely resembles the classic Gothic style as developed in France. All other Gothic churches in the Netherlands belong to one of the many regional variants. Unlike most of its French predecessors, the Dom Church has only one tower, the 112 m (368 ft) high Dom Tower, which is the hallmark of the city.
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