3,50 schilling - Young Venetian Woman 1971

3,50 schilling - Young Venetian Woman 1971
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman is a small bust length oil on elm panel painting by the German artist Albrecht Dürer from 1505. It was executed, along with a number of other high society portraits, during his second visit to Italy.
The woman wears a patterned gown with tied-on sleeves that show the chemise beneath. Her hair frames her face in soft waves, and back hair is confined in a small draped cap. The work's harmony and grace is achieved through its mixtures of tones, from her elegant pale flesh, to her reddish blond hair, black and pearl stoned necklace, and patterned and highly fashionable dress; all of which are highlighted against a flat black background.
Face value 3,50 Schilling
Catalog code (Michel) AT 1362
Catalog code Stamp Number AT 896 Yvert et Tellier AT 1191 Stanley Gibbons AT 1611 AFA number AT 1262 ANK AT 1391 Unificato AT 1191
Stamp colour Blackish red brown
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 2.900.000
Issue date 06/05/1971
Designer Adalbert Pilch / Rudolf Toth
Print technique recess
Perforation comb 13¾ x 13½
Height 43.00 mm
Width 32.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet