Canadien Pride booklet 2012

Canadien Pride booklet 2012
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : What could be more Canadian than our flag with its iconic red Maple Leaf? Everywhere the impressive Maple Leaf appears, it evokes pride in this vast and beautiful country, and in the diversity of the people, language and culture of Canada.
Face value PERMANENTâ„¢ domestic rate $0.61
Catalog code (Michel) CA 2782-2786FB
Catalog code (Scott) CA 2503a
Catalog code Yvert et Tellier CA C2672-1 Stanley Gibbons CA 2733a
Series Canadian Pride
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Booklet stamp
Issue date 16/01/2012
Designer Gottschalk+Ash International
Paper type Tullis Russell
Print technique Lithography in 4 colours
Printed by Canadian Bank Note
Perforation Simulated perforation
Height 23.25 mm
Width 20.25 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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