P 2014 - Wait for me Daddy

P 2014 - Wait for me Daddy P 2014 - Wait for me Daddy
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : From the souvenir pane of 5 Permanent™ domestic stamps
Photography by Claude P. Dettloff, staff photographer, The Vancouver Daily Province.
This photo, taken October 1, 1940 in New Westminster, BC, captures a column of soldiers marching off to the Second World War. The little boy breaks away from his mother’s hand to run to his father just as the shutter clicks. Wait for Me Daddy is one of the most famous Canadian photos from the Second World War, symbolizing the sacrifices families made for the war effort. This stamp issue coincides with the unveiling of a statue in New Westminster on October 4, 2014, to honour the photo.
On October 1, 1940, the British Columbia Regiment (Duke of Connaught's Own) marched down Eighth Street in New Westminster, British Columbia. As a military band played, the entire town came out to see what must have seemed like an endless line of brave soldiers marching off to war.
Just as photographer Claude P. Dettloff prepared to take his picture, 5-year-old Warren “Whitey” Bernard broke loose from his mother's grasp and ran towards his father, Private Jack Bernard. The picture captured a moment that touched the entire world, and soon became one of the best-known photographs of Canada's war effort. The picture appeared October 2, 1940 in Vancouver Daily Province. During the war, the photo was used extensively for war bonds fundraising campaigns. The picture was named one of ten best pictures of the 1940s by Life Magazine. The picture was taken at 9 metres with a 3 1/4x4 1/4 Speed Graphic and a 13.5 C.M. Zeiss lens and the exposure was 1/200 of a second at F.8, using Agfa film
a Canadian $2 dollar coin was also issued on that same day.
Face value P for PERMANENT™ domestic rate $0.85
Catalog code (Michel) CA 3207
Catalog code (Scott) CA 2794
Catalog code Canada post # 403969107; Yvert et Tellier CA 3082
Stamp colour Multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 75,000 special pane of 5 stamps-400,000 booklets of 10 stamps
Issue date 04/10/2014
Designer Susan Mavor
Paper type TRC - Tullis Russell Coatings
Print technique Lithography in 6 colours
Printed by Lowe-Martin
Perforation 13+
Height 37.00 mm
Width 29.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet