200 Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1696-1770 1996

200 Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1696-1770 1996
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : 300th birthday of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (March 5, 1696 – March 27, 1770), also known as Gianbattista or Giambattista Tiepolo, was an Italian painter and printmaker from the Republic of Venice. He was prolific, and worked not only in Italy, but also in Germany and Spain.
Face value 2 Mark
Catalog code (Michel) DE 1847
Catalog code Stamp Number DE 1921; Yvert et Tellier DE 1679; Stanley Gibbons DE 2707; AFA number DE 2788; Unificato DE 1679
Stamp colour multicolor
Stamp use Commemorative stamp
Print run 14,855,000
Issue date 07/03/1996
Designer Fritz Lüdtke
Print technique Offset lithography
Printed by Wertpapierdruckerei Leipzig
Perforation comb 13 x 12½
Height 25.00 mm
Width 43.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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