1,10 mark Hildesheim 1966

1,10 mark Hildesheim 1966
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : Hildesheim is a city in Lower Saxony, Germany. It is located in the district of Hildesheim, about 30 km southeast of Hanover on the banks of the Innerste river, which is a small tributary of the Leine river.
Face value 1 Mark 10 Pfennig
Catalog code (Michel) DE 501
Catalog code Stamp Number DE 949; Yvert et Tellier DE 361; Stanley Gibbons DE 1379; AFA number DE 1491; Unificato DE 361
Stamp colour dark brown orange
Stamp use Definitive stamp
Print run 90000000
Issue date 13/12/1966
Designer Otto Rohse
Print technique recess
Printed by Bundesdruckerei
Perforation comb 14
Height 28.00 mm
Width 23.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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