30 Pfennig 1967 - Das Nordertor in Flensburg-Schleswig

30 Pfennig 1967 - Das Nordertor in Flensburg-Schleswig
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : Das Nordertor / Northern gate.
Flensburg's Northern gate is a noteworthy landmark, with its stepped gable, yellow-red bricks bands, and the crest of the Danish king and the city. When it was chosen for the 30 phennig stampa in 1966, it carried the name of Flensburg out into the world a billion times. In 1989/90, the gate was restored.
Face value 30 Pfennig
Catalog code (Michel) DE 493
Catalog code Stamp Number DE 941; Yvert et Tellier DE 386; Stanley Gibbons DE 1371; AFA number DE 1483; Unificato DE 386
Series Architectural structure series
Stamp colour blackish pink red
Stamp use Definitive stamp
Print run 3,245,000.000
Issue date 17/02/1967
Designer Otto Rohse
Print technique recess
Printed by Bundesdruckerei
Perforation comb 14
Height 27.00 mm
Width 23.00 mm
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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