Cie de transport St Maurice-Trois Rivières

Cie de transport St Maurice-Trois Rivières Cie de transport St Maurice-Trois Rivières
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : Trois-Rivières is a city in the Mauricie region of Quebec, Canada, located at the confluence of the Saint-Maurice and Saint Lawrence Rivers. It is situated in the Mauricie administrative region, on the north shore of the Saint Lawrence River approximately half way between Montréal and Québec.
La Three Rivers Traction Company bought in 1931 by the Compagnie de Transport St-Maurice, in 1933 it replaces the tramways by gas powered busses.
In 1975 the company ceases operation. The City takes over transport services.
Diameter 22.00 mm
Material Copper-Nickel
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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