Lyon_Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière (MdeP) 2012

Lyon_Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière (MdeP) 2012 Lyon_Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière (MdeP) 2012
Added by Alain Martineau
Front Description : The Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière is a minor basilica in Lyon. It was built with private funds between 1872 and 1884 in a dominating position in the city.
The site it occupies was once the Roman forum of Trajan, the forum vetus (old forum), thus its name (as an inverted corruption of the French Vieux-Forum).
Back Description : The Monnaie de Paris building into an open centered hexagon surrounded by 28 stars and the date, inside the outside circle is the word FRANCE in several languages.
Diameter 33.00 mm
Weight 16.00 g
Material Copper-Aluminium-Nickel
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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