Tour Eiffel Tower

Tour Eiffel Tower Tour Eiffel Tower
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. Erected in 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair, it has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the tallest structure in Paris[10] and the most-visited paid monument in the world; 7.1 million people ascended it in 2011. The third level observatory's upper platform is at 279.11 m (915.7 ft) the highest accessible to the public in the European Union. The tower received its 250 millionth visitor in 2010.
Front Description : The Eiffel Tower
Back Description : Monnaie de Paris
Diameter 34.00 mm
Weight 16.00 g
Material Copper-Aluminium-Nickel
Catalog prices No catalog prices set yet

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