Country : Romania
City : Bucuresti
Spoken languages : English, Romanian
Collects : Banknotes, Coins, Tokens, Phonecards, Stamps
Member since : Jan 2011
Points (Read more)
+55,168 total points
+54,416 unspent points
Banknotes gallery Coins gallery Community currencies gallery Tokens gallery Medals gallery Phone cards gallery Stamps gallery Pins gallery Chewing gum inserts gallery

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Community vote (What does it mean?)

0 distrust votes
15 given votes

About me

Oamenii colectioneaza tot felul de lucruri in zilele astea. Eu colectionez bani. Asa ca .... daca ai si nu-ti folosesc, contacteaza-ma.

About what I collect

Monede, bancnote, jetoane, cartele telefonice și timbre.

My collection

Banknotes 430 Coins 1987 Community Currencies 1 Tokens 149 Medals 39 Phonecards 119 Stamps 2962 Pins 29

My trade list

Banknotes 26 Coins 853 Tokens 2 Medals 8 Stamps 479

My wish list

Banknotes 90 Coins 123 Tokens 2 Stamps 600

Last activity

+25 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 1 month ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago
+18 Allnumis - Added a new item to the catalogs 2 months ago