Name : Alexandru Lorian
Country : Romania
Spoken languages : English, Romanian, French
Collects : Banknotes, Coins, Phonecards, Stamps
Member since : Sep 2008
Points (Read more)
+577,463 total points
+427,490 unspent points
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Community vote (What does it mean?)

0 distrust votes
4 given votes

About me

Cei interesati de piesele mele puse in vanzare sa ma sune la 0723.252.151. Rog seriozitate.

About what I collect

monede, bancnote, timbre, cartele telefonice Romania

Last activity

-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 2 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 2 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 2 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 2 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 2 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 2 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 2 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 2 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 2 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 2 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 2 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 2 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 3 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 3 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 3 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 3 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 3 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 3 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "No Ads" 3 years ago
-2 Allnumis - Subscribed to "E-mails on new items moderated" 3 years ago
+1 Match the Coin Game - Matched an entry with another player 5 years ago
+1 Match the Coin Game - Matched an entry with another player 5 years ago
+10 Match the Coin Game - Matched an entry with another player 5 years ago
+1 Match the Coin Game - Matched an entry with another player 5 years ago
+1 Match the Coin Game - Matched an entry with another player 5 years ago
+1 Match the Coin Game - Matched an entry with another player 5 years ago
+1 Match the Coin Game - Matched an entry with another player 5 years ago
+1 Match the Coin Game - Matched an entry with another player 5 years ago
+2 Match the Coin Game - Matched an entry with another player 5 years ago
+1 Match the Coin Game - Matched an entry with another player 5 years ago