Canadian Centennial of Flight-type 2

Canadian Centennial of Flight-type 2 Canadian Centennial of Flight-type 2
Added by Alain Martineau
General Description : The year 2009 marked the 100th Anniversary of the first powered, heavier-than-air, controlled flight in Canada by J.A.D. McCurdy in the Silver Dart.
Very few nations in the world owe more to flight than Canada. Aviation opened up the country and remains a lifeline to many remote and northern areas. The significance of aviation today and what it has done for Canada can be compared to what the Canadian Pacific Railway did for Canada in the years after Confederation. Today, aerospace activity makes up a larger component of our industrial base than any other nation.
Front Description : Canada Centennial of Flight logo.
The Canadian Maple Leaf has been stylized to represent the upward and outward development of Canadian aviation. Starting at its base with the Silver Dart, the first powered heavier-than-air aircraft to fly in Canada and soaring upwards to the stars, the logo celebrates the chronology of development, design, history and emotions as we move from the very primitive to the unlimited. At the highest point lies the North Star representing many things – space flight, excellence, the North, the future. The star represents both reaching for future goals and the Canadian space program, perhaps the greatest of our technological achievements. Using a range of colours, the logo demonstrates the complexity and diversity of our achievements in aviation as well as those Canadians that populate its history.
Height 53.00 mm
Width 29.00 mm
Material Aluminum
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