1 Leu 1870 C

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Added by Liviu Vasiliu
In personal collections 17
General Description There are 2 versions for this coin. One with medal orientation and the other with coin orientation.
Obv. Description Efigia Domnului Carol I spre stanga.
Cerc exterior perlat.
Rev. Description Intre doua ghirlande valoarea nominala si milenismul: 1 LEU 1870
Dedesubt sigla C (Cindescu).
Cerc exterior perlat.
Catalog code KM# 6
Mintage 400,000
Diameter 23.00 mm
Weight 5.0000 g
Material Silver
Orientation Coin
Mint Romania - Bucharest
Edge Type reeded
Designer Cindescu
Catalog prices
*what it means?
F $50.00   VF $75.00   XF $250.00   UNC $700.00